Never let it be said that we don't have our fingers on the pulse here at Underground HH HQ. Dropping through our letterbox today is a press copy of a new album by a UK stomper of a crew. With a live band splattered with brass and an MC with more fire than a festival at nightfall, the brilliant King Porter Stomp are back. Way Back. Check out their video below explaining the amount of passion and indeed money that goes into making a bangin album. The album is out on the 10th of April and you can pre-order your copy now. Underground HH will be back with a full review on release day. In the mean time, don't forget to check out the healthy back catalogue and amazing array of music videos they have created over the last decade. And if you've never heard them stomp...? Wow are you in for a treat!
Go to the King Porter Stomp website here...
Go to the King Porter Stomp channel here...
We shared some of our faves below...