Brotherman is an up and coming UK rapper whos flow and subject matter on a beat intertwines perfectly, recently a Acoustic Cipher Sessions was released featuring Brotherman, Stranger, Paul Sandy, Krzysztof, Mathias, Rob & Johnny. You can watch them tear up the Cipher Session below, we will be featuring these videos as they are released (monthly)!
A young musician whose up-bringing was split between the caribbean and london's borough of Hackney, drawing inspiration from both in his chosen genre of Uk Hip-Hop. Brotherman is the son of an artist and self taught classical guitarist and a now rastafarian accountant. Well travelled in his youth he spent his time watching the social comings and goings of the people who surrounded him as well as taking in the music and culture he was exposed to. Adding to this a clear voice, musical ability, ambition and a thorough understanding of the world in which he lives, Brotherman is definitely one to look out for.